Friday, July 16, 2010

personal finance money management

1. Stop buying Ritalin for your kid.

Did you know that a study showed that learning to swim well improved reading and writing skills in ADD-diagnosed children? If you do not have a body of water nearby, maybe other physical exercise will improve your child's focus and calmness.

For example, when I lived with a family in the countryside of Nicaragua - where there are no roads, no electricity (no TV or screens of any kind), and you hike a mile to get to the river to carry back water - I noticed that the children were much calmer and more focused. For example, four-year-olds expertly sharpened machetes then climbed trees to cut limbs for firewood.

Children are capable of so much more than Western Industrialized Society allows them to do. One child in particular comes to mind. She grew up running on hillsides, climbing trees, digging clay with her aunts on the rising of the full moon, scrubbing clothes on a rock in the river that birthed from a nearby spring where the Duende lived (the spirit of the mountain). I never heard her complain, even in the most physically uncomfortable of circumstances. She has grown up into a remarkably self-possesed young woman and a brilliant ceramic artist.

Save money on drug prescriptions and have happier children and a happier you.

2. Stop buying air fresheners.

Save money and protect your health. Those air freshener sprays are laden with chemicals that harm you and the environment from start to finish.

Instead, pick some flowers from that community garden you created with your neighbors. (Or ask your kid to run over and pick the flowers. More exercise for a growing body and mind!). The natural floral scent will freshen the room. And they are a lot more beautiful to look at than a can that will go into the garbage and then into landfills that won't be healthy for the earth for many, many years. When the flowers wilt and get slimy, add them to your compost and they will soon be nutrition for next year's flowers!

And to really clean the air, potted plants work great. Get a cutting from a friend, some dirt from outside, and a pot can be any old container. Place in a sunny spot and just add water. Potted plants suck out volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air in your home.

Stop Equating Monthly Payments with Affordability to Avoid Financial Trouble

Few of us can claim to not be guilty of at least a purchase or two where we said to ourselves "Only X per month? That's not bad at all!" Using the monthly payment to assess affordability, however, is a financial trap.

Photo by ell brown.

With the variety of ways people can acquire credit and spend money these days it's unsurprising that financial mistakes and misfortunes abound. Over at U.S. News & World Report they've put together a list of seven common financial mistakes. Among the mistakes they highlight is seeing the monthly bill as an indicator that something is in your budget.

Equating monthly payments with affordability: Far too many of us decide whether we can afford something based on whether we can manage the monthly payment. This is particularly true for homes, cars, and furniture. But just because we can handle a payment does not mean we can truly afford something. Monthly payments also ignore the true cost of ownership. A car, for example, costs a lot more than the monthly payment when you consider insurance, gas, repairs and maintenance. Instead of focusing on the monthly payment, separate needs from wants and evaluate how you might better use the money. If you still have consumer debt, for example, consider paying the debt off before buying something that will commit you to future monthly payments for potentially years to come.

Shifting your perspective away from "Do I have an extra $200 a month to spend on this thing?" to "Is spending $200 a month plus all the additional expenses on this thing the best use of my money?" will help you channel your money towards more productive uses. Check out the full list of money mistakes at the link below or share your best advice on easily corrected financial choices in the comments below.

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Brad Friedman and Desi Doyen: Green <b>News</b> Report: July 15, 2010 (Audio)

TWITTER: @GreenNewsReport The 'GNR' is also now available on your cell phone via Stitcher Radio's mobile app!

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